Please note that this blog is meant to be, at times, a somewhat stream-of-consciousness thought process as I write and ponder things. So sometimes my ideas and conclusions will be polished and other times not so much. In other words, I sometimes ramble.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Proposal for a Successful Superman Game: Part 3

Last time I wrote about basic controls. Now we'll get into the nitty gritty of things.

Task Management: Crisis or otherwise

What if Superman couldn't save every last person in a crisis? He may be powerful, but he is not omnipotent. Consider that perhaps Superman, with limited time to act, couldn't save them because if he moved as fast as he could, it would physically harm the people he wanted to save. Superman may be immune to negative effects of G-forces, but humans aren't. He is also bound by the constraints of time, no matter how fast he is.

In order to approach this, the player must consider the balance of time, quantity of tasks to be performed in that time, and, if applicable, target endurance (such as civilians).

To implement this, I recommend a system similar to "V.A.T.S." from the Fallout series. However, this mode would not stop time completely as with V.A.T.S. The player would hold down a button to enter a sort of "Bullet Time" mode. This effect was used in BAC for the Line Launcher tool if the player wished to fire a second line in a different direction. For the unfamiliar, it slows time down to allow the player to make better decisions.

In this mode, every possible objective and target would be highlighted. The player would be presented with a meter like in Fallout with a set number of "Action Points". Action Points would represent the time necessary to implement that action. Using the right analog stick, the player could select various targets to attack or rescue. Each selection, depending on the type, would cost a set number of action points.

Players will have to balance their selections in hopes of doing the most good with the time they have. Do you save all the people while letting the building fall into another, which would potentially put even more people in harms way? Or do you let some fall to their doom to stop the impending massive destruction?

Action Points could be increased via skill training; however, the cost for each target would remain constant. They would regenerate automatically.


Based on decisions, Superman's alignment and the way he is perceived can be affected over time. Of course, Superman won't become evil, but he can become a darker version of himself if his decisions seem ruthless or destructive enough. This is inspired by Spider-man Web of Shadows.
Superman's alignment can affect different power upgrades and also costumes accessible to players.

Stats and Leveling Up

Superman needs to have all his basic powers from the start, otherwise it doesn't make sense. However, there's nothing that says he can't become more efficient.

Health and Power

As long as Superman is outside directly underneath a yellow sun, his health will regenerate slowly but automatically. In areas where the sun is not available, his health can be replenished in combat or by solving various challenges and puzzles from his enemies, as in BAC.


Superman would gain experience points in order to level up. With each level, he would acquire points that could be spent to augment one of his skills. Each skill would have a plateau that would need to be broken through via training and challenges.

Experience can also be used to enhance Superman's resistances to various attacks. In the comics, Superman developed a bit of resistance to Kryptonite little by little over the years. Skill points could be used to increase resistances to Kryptonite, Magic, Red sun energy, Concussive Blast pushback, and super powered Melee damage.


Superman would be able to utilize various training programs and challenges to enhance his abilities. Training programs at the Fortress of Solitude as well as training sessions and challenges with various Justice League members would allow him to become better. Speed training with The Flash or combat training with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel would all be used to break through leveling plateaus and grant new techniques.

Trainers and upgrades could include:
Wonder Woman: Combat techniques and counters
Captain Marvel: Combat strength and Magic resistance
Martian Manhunter: Super Power amplification and Action points
The Flash: Speed training

Next time I'll talk about setting up a world that's big enough for Superman and how he'll interact with it.

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