Please note that this blog is meant to be, at times, a somewhat stream-of-consciousness thought process as I write and ponder things. So sometimes my ideas and conclusions will be polished and other times not so much. In other words, I sometimes ramble.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Well, today, January 9th, is the day I start this contest. 12 weeks from now on April 3rd, we'll see just how much more fit I've become. My biggest hurdle will of course be dealing with my food cravings, but with prayer, hard work and a plan it can be accomplished.

In other news, we started looking for a church home today. Our town has an abundance of churches, but very few of them offer evening services, which would of course accommodate my night shift hours. So I've resolved, as part of just stepping up and doing the things in life I need to do, just suck it up and start going to morning services. I need to be up early throughout the week anyway to be productive. I might as well train my body to do this as well.

The church we tried today was... well it requires further inspection. We have this weird trend in that, whenever we have tried out a church for the first time in the past, we always attend when the pastor is on vacation and there's a guest speaker... for weeks. So we're never quite sure how the church is going to be from one or two attendances. Today was no different.

But I have a few places in mind. We really do need to attend a place where we can genuinely fellowship with other believers. I know Nicole especially needs this, as she's a far more social creature than I am. That and we both really do need a place to serve in some way. So we're praying and searching.

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